Good fuchsia plant care will accolade you with a long-blooming season. Whether you put these attractive flowers inside or on your shadow patio -- you'll accept a a timetheir arresting blooms from bounce through backward fall. And they're perennials, so you can accumulate them year afterwards year.
The blooms are spectacular, with 4 flared sepals (that's the top allotment of the bloom) generally in a allegory blush to the bell-shaped petals. The petals may be single, semi-double or double, with stamens and pistils extending from the blooms. Thousands of hybrids action affluent colors to accept from -- in any aggregate of white, pink, red, lavender, or purple.

Some varieties accept an cocked habit. But those best generally awash in garden centers and nurseries are abaft authoritative a bottomward blush basket.
Fuchsia Plant Caring Tips:
Shed some (indirect) light. Fuchsias accomplish accessible calm plants, if you can accommodate the ablaze ablaze they charge to grow. Abode your blush plant abreast a window, area it'll get filtered sunlight. Moving your bulb outdoors for the summer will absolutely advice it to thrive. Aloof accumulate it in a adumbral atom and be abiding to accompany it aback central aback the temperature drops beneath 45°F/7°C at night. Fuchsias won't abide frost.
Pinch your plant. In bounce and aboriginal summer, compression off growing tips to animate the bulb annex out. You'll accept a fuller blush bulb this way. You can bear those axis tips, if you want, for added plants.

Repot every spring. Blush bulb blooms best aback hardly pot -bound, and it has bank roots, so don't be in a big bustle to move it to a beyond pot. Aback the bulb alcove the admeasurement you want, you can repot it in the aforementioned container, aloof to brace the soil.
Height: Up to 3 ft (90 cm), dwarf varieties are abundant smaller.
Light: Ablaze light, but no absolute sun.
Water: Water thoroughly bounce through fall, befitting the clay analogously moist. Plants in blind baskets dry out quickly, so analysis them generally abnormally if they're outside. Cut aback on watering in the winter, while the bulb is dormant.
Humidity: Moderate humidity.
Temperature: Accumulate it air-conditioned at night -- 50-55°F/10-13°C and warmer 60-70°F/16-21°C during the day. Give it a air-conditioned blow in winter with a minimum temperature of 45°F/7°C.
Soil: Any acceptable potting mix.
Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks in bounce and summer with counterbalanced aqueous fertilizer adulterated by half.
Propagation: Take 3 in (7 cm) axis tip cuttings in bounce and basis in clammy potting mix.
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